The superintendent of Roads is the head of the highway
department and has general control over the location, relocation,
construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of the county
road system, including county bridges. He determines the number
of employees for the highway department and their job classification,
hours of work and salaries.
An annual work program is presented by the road superintendent
each year to the State for the distribution of State Aid funds
to Marshall County.
Williams is a native of Marshall County. He is married
to Vickie (Thomas) for thirty nine years, and they have three
children. Stephanie is married to Joe Calahan (children - Mandi
Lynn and Blake); Mikey is married to the former Jessica Wake
field (children - Houston. Jackson and Allie Rae ); and Anthony
(one child - kaydence).
He is a member of the Church Street Church Of Christ
in Lewisburg. Mr. Williams has been a cattle and tobacco farmer
in Marshall County for many years. He is a member of BPOE (Elks
Club) for almost 30 years - main involvement in Christmas projects
for underprivileged children, former local officer and state
officer; Kiwanis member, Chamber of Commerce member and sponsor
for a young lady in the Miss Marshall County Pageant; Lions Club
and TCHOA (Tennessee County Highway Officials Association). |